Answers to the latest DNB Orthopaedics question papers in crisp exam friendly format dnb orthopaedic theory exam question papers 2021 march
Answers to the latest DNB Orthopaedics question papers in crisp exam friendly format.
Answers will be updated one by one in the course from Sunday 11 July as e notes
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Questions proposed to be covered
1. Describe the stabilizers of the shoulder joint. Elaborate on the clinical tests for the instability of shoulder joint.
2. Classify surgical site infection (SSI).
3. How will you manage SSI detected on fifth post-operative day after plate osteosynthesis?
4. Describe morphology of articular cartilage and changes that occur in articular cartilage in osteoarthritis.
5. Define bone remodeling.
6. Distinguish between osteoporosis and osteopenia
7. Explain management protocol of osteoporotic vertebral fracture with a flow chart
8. Describe the pathogenesis and management of gout
9. Define neurogenic shock following spinal cord injury. Discuss in detail about the clinical methods to diagnose the level of spinal cord injury.
10. What is fat embolism syndrome? Discuss the clinical features, investigations, diagnosis and management of fat embolism syndrome.
11. What are the methods of doing biopsy from a suspected neoplastic lesion?
12. Mention the histo-pathological features of osteosarcoma
13. Describe the pre-requisites for limb salvage surgery in a malignant Tumour
14. Describe hygiene policies for prevention of viral infection in Orthopaedic practice. Describe the management of needle-stick Injuries
15. Transfusion mismatch
16. Giant cell
17. Trendelenburg’s test
18. Discuss Denis 3 column stability concept in spinal injuries
19. Describe patho-anatomy of flexion rotation injuries in lumbar spine
20. Discuss role of High Tibial Osteotomy in osteoarthritis of Knee.
21. Compare its indication, outcomes, advantages, disadvantages with
22. Uni-Compartment Knee Arthroplasty in Medial Compartment osteoarthritis.
23. General Principle of Arthrodesis24. Indications & disadvantages of Plantar Arthrodesis
25. What is neglected fracture neck of the femur. How will you classify these injuries in adults? Enumerate various reconstructive surgical procedures recommended for such fractures. Describe the preoperative planning, and steps of valgus osteotomy
26. Enumerate various round cell tumors of bone. How will you treat a case of Ewing tumor arising from lower end of the femur in a 15 year old boy?
27. Describe indications, advantages & disadvantages of Latarjet procedure in shoulder instability
28. What is hinged abduction? Describe its management principles in Perthes disease in an adolescent (16 years old)?
29. Describe pathoanatomy of Lisfranc’s injury. What are its key radiological signs on a plane radiograph? Describe management in a chronic Lisfranc injury?
30. Four column Classification in Proximal Tibia Fracture
31. Raft Screw in Proximal Tibial fixation.
32. Classify Periprosthetic fractures of hip. Outline their management
33. Hospital / Biomedical Waste Disposal Management
34. Needle stick injuries
35. Advance trauma life support (ATLS) concept.
36. Principles of ATLS in management of polytrauma
37. Tile’s classification of pelvic injuries
38. Principles of treating Tile’s Type B injury
39. Frozen section in Orthopaedics.
40. Extracorporeal irradiation in bone tumors
41. Management of compartment syndrome in Proximal Tibia Fracture
briefly.Describe steps of Lobenhoffer approach
42. Classify gunshot injuries. Discuss management of gunshot injury to thigh with fracture shaft femur in an adult
43. Tension pneumothorax
44. Triage
45. Describe various methods to provide soft tissue cover for bare proximal tibia & knee joint
46. Describe incomplete traumatic spinal cord syndromes and their clinical features. What is ASIA classification?
47. Role of pre-operative embolization of blood vessels in Orthopaedic surgery. Illustrate with examples.
48. Uses of biological adhesives in Orthopaedics
49. Meniscus transplantation
50. What is 3D printing? What are the steps of creating a 3D print?
51. Mention some important uses of this technology in Orthopaedics with examples
52. Principles of cementless acetabular implantation
53. Describe the safe zones of acetabular screw placement
54. What are the important steps in cementless implantation in Protrusio Acetabuli?
55. Remplissage procedure
56. Induced membrane technique in Orthopaedics
57. Disc replacement surgery
58. Navigation in spine surgery
59. Describe concept of metaphyseal sleeve and cone in total knee Replacement
60. Describe the method of preparing platelet rich plasma (PRP). Describe indications of PRP in musculoskeletal disorders
61. Enumerate the causes of acquired flat foot in adults. Outline its management in brief
62. Blood conservation strategies in major Orthopaedic surgeries
63. Role, mechanism of action and recommended dose of Tranexamic Acid
64. Role of Interventional Radiology in Orthopaedics.
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