• To attain balanced, evidence based,
patient- focused training in arthroplasty
• To learn a systematic approach to the
arthritic patient
• To develop comprehensive treatment
• To gain confidence in various surgical
approaches in hip and knee arthroplasty
Enrollment for Fellowship
Notification for fellowship applications will be
updated on the website
fellowship@sunshinehosDitals.com twice a
year in the month of March and October for
the June and December sessions respectively.
Registered with the
Medical Council of India
• Minimum 1 year post
MS/DNB experience
HowTo Apply
The applicant should fill the application form
and attach
• Current Curriculum Vitae
• Letter of recommendation (a minimum of 3)
• Attach any peer reviewed publications
The selection is purely merit based in
which all the applicants for the fellowship
programme will have to write an online exam
and give interviews via video conferencing
to the selection panel at a pre-determined
time. Once all the interviews are done, the
selected candidate will be informed via email
or phone. Candidates should report on 1st
June/1st December at Sunshine Hospitals,
The Fellowship Programme
1. Research Activity
2. Clinical Work
3. Academics
1. Research Activity
All fellowship trainees are assigned a research
topic during their fellowship tenure, pertaining
to hip or knee arthroplasty. Several papers
have been published in international peerreviewed journals over the past decade. Now,
with 10-year follow-up data available, and with
the streamlining of the research department,
it is our aim to publish high-quality papers in
leading journals every month.
Fellow will be expected to produce at least
one research project suitable for presentation
at an international meeting and subsequent
By 3 weeks- Allotment of Research Topic
By 1 Month- Literature search and Methodology
will be finalised by Research panel and approval
from Institutional Ethical Committee
By 3 Months- First Update on Progress of data
collection to be presented.
By 6 Months- Mid-term update
By 9 Months- Completion of data collection,
Statistical analysis, Manuscript Writing and
Editing, uploading to decided journal for
2. Clinical Work
The fellowship is an excellent opportunity for
young Orthopaedic surgeons to get trained
in the field of Arthroplasty and Orthopaedics
where they will be exposed to a wide variety
of Joint Replacement surgeries which
includes Primary Hip and Knee Replacements,
Unicondylar Knee Replacement, Hip
Preservation Surgery, Revision Replacements,
Robotic assisted Knee and Robotic Assisted
Hip Surgeries apart from Academic and
Research work
• Clinical and research work will be spanned
over both the branches (Secunderabad and
Gachibowli) over a period of 1 year
The fellow should expect to be in operating
room 3 days in a week, other days for outpatient clinics, research activities, on call
duties & health camps.
• Fellows are expected to do clinical work in
Op and Ip (documentation dressings and
discharge summaries)
• The Fellow will take independent on-call
duties approximately twice a month.
Fellows are expected to participate in
non-arthroplasty operative work (trauma,
paediatric orthopaedics, sports medicine,
ortho oncology, limb reconstruction
surgeries like illizarov) as per the

Telegram Updates Discussion Group – https://t.me/orthonetflix
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