All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur invites online applications for Entrance
Examination for admission in following DM/MCh courses – July 2021 Session of AIIMS
Raipur. Eligible candidates may apply online between 10.07.2021 to 26.07.2021
Mch Joint replacement and reconstruction (www.aiimsraipur.edu.in)
Telegram Updates Discussion Group – https://t.me/orthonetflix
Secure the best fellowships in orthopaedics in INDIA through FET exam and foreign fellowships DHA and prepare for DNB MS theory and practical exams, pass easily.
Top the exam using the courses below
1. FET DHA Orthopaedics MIRCL course Total Package
Top the FET exam to get entry to best fellowships in India, using the MIRCL course – has solved recall mcqs, recent mcqs, hy videos, mocks and largest question bank.No need for anything else.
2.FET DHA Solved MCQ Question bank mock exam course
3.High Yield videos course
4.Orthopaedic Master Course – DNB MS theory and practicals Pass theory and Pracs first shot
5.DNB MS Orthopaedics Solved Question Papers Course Pass Theory easily
6.DNB MS Orthopaedics Practical Exam Course OSCE bank Clear practicals easily

Raipur – 492 099 (Chhattisgarh)
No. AIIMS/RPR/Acad/2021/ o S Date: 06 /07/2021
ADMISSION NOTICE – DM/MCh Courses (3 years course)
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur invites online applications for Entrance
Examination for admission in following DM/MCh courses – July 2021 Session of AIIMS
Raipur. Eligible candidates may apply online between 10.07.2021 to 26.07.2021
(www.aiimsraipur.edu.in) .
SN Department Course No. of Seats
1 General Medicine DM Clinical Infectious Diseases 1
Forensic Medicine &
2 Toxicology DM Medical and Forensic Toxicology 1
DM Paediatric Emergency Medicine 1
3 Paediatrics
DM Paediatric Critical Care 1
MCh Joint Replacement and
4 Orthopaedics Reconstruction 1
NOTE: A candidate is allowed to submit application for maximum two DM/MCh
courses. Fill separate application for each course.
Essential Qualification
MD/DNB in General Medicine/Paediatric/
Tropical Medicine or an equivalent qualification
as recognized by Medical Council of India/NMC.
SN Course
DM Clinical Infectious
MD/DNB in Forensic Medicine
OR Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
OR Pharmacology
OR Emergency Medicine
OR Intemal/General Medicine
OR Paediatrics
DM Medical and Forensic
recognized by Medical Council of India/NMC.
DM Paediatric Emergency
MD/DNB Paediatrics OR Emergency Medicine
recognized by Medical Council of India/NMC.
DM Paediatric Critical
MD/DNB in Paediatrics or an equivalent degree
recognized by Medical Council of India/NMC.
4 5
MCh Joint Replacement
and Reconstruction
MS/DNB Orthopaedics or an equivalent degree
recognized by Medical Council of India/NMC.
• The candidates must have completed the requisite qualification, degree and tenure
by 31.08.2021. The candidates who are likely to complete their 3 years requisite
qualification, degree and tenure after 31.08.2021 will not be eligible to appear in this
examination. Any wrong information provided by candidate on same may invite
disciplinary action including debarment from future examination.AIIMS Raipur - UPPER AGE LIMIT:
• Upper age limit is 35 years as on 1st July 2021.
• Upper age limit is relaxable for OBC Candidates by a maximum of 3 years.
• Upper age limit is relaxable in case of SC/ST candidates by a maximum of 5
• Upper age limit is relaxable for Ex-Serviceman and Commissioned Officer
including ECO, SSCO who have rendered or released on satisfactory
assignment with age relaxation by a maximum of 5 years.
• The persons with benchmark disabilities shall be given an upper age
relaxation of five years for admission to DM/M.Ch for PWD candidates as per
Right of persons with Disability Act, 2016.
NOTE: For the purpose of application fee, the candidates belonging to
SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/EWS/PWBD category, the candidate must possess a
certificate issued by competent authority (as applicable to
category/format provided by AIIMS Raipur). OBC (NCL)/EWS certificate
must be issued within one year of last date for application 26.07.2021
(i.e. issued between 27.07.2020 to 26.07.2021).
DURATION OF COURSE: Three (03) years
The tenure of training is 03 years from the date of joining the course.
Start Date: 10.07.2021
Online registration Closing Date: 26.07.2021
Admit Cards on AIIMS Raipur website
(www.aiimsraipur.edu.in) for downloading 02.08.2021 - SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATION
Scheme of
Date of Exam Duration of Exam Examination Exam Centre
09.08.2021, Monday
Written Examination
(Pen Paper Based)
Questions : 100
Max. Marks : 100
02:00 PM to 04:00
AIIMS Raipur
Note: - A candidate who will be applying for two PDCC courses, he/she will have to
appear for both the examinations. - Candidates must bring their all requisite original documents along with one
set of photocopy on the day of reporting.
The question paper will consist of 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of 2 hours
duration. There is no negative marking. Scheme of marking will be as follows:
o Correct Answer: One mark (+1)
o Not answered: Zero mark (0)
The percentile scores will be used to determine eligibility for admission. The
candidate must secure 50th percentile mark to be eligible for admission. Merit list will
be prepared as per percentile score.
If two or more candidates obtain equal percentile score in the entrance examination
then their inter-se-merit for admission to the course shall be determined on the basis
of the following:-
i. A candidate who has made more attempts in passing qualifying examination
(MD/DNB as the case may be) would rank junior to a candidate who has made
lesser attempts.
ii. If the attempts made in passing qualifying examination (MD/DNB as the case may
be) are also the same, then a candidate who has obtained higher marks in the
MBBS examination will rank senior to a candidate who has obtained lesser marks.
iii. If the attempts made in passing the qualifying examination (MD/DNB as the case
may be) and the marks obtained in the MBBS examination are also the same, then
a candidate senior in age will rank senior to the candidate junior in age.
Selected candidate is required to join between 16/08/2021 to 31/08/2021. The
competent authority may permit an extension of joining till 31.08.2021 based on
merit of each case. In case the selected candidate fails to join by this date and no
written request for extension is received by 31.08.2021, it will be assumed that
he/she does not intend to join the course and the seat will be offered to the next
candidate on the waiting list.
Last date for admission to the course will be 30th September, 2021. In any
circumstances, last date for admission will not be extended after 30th September, - This includes candidates on the wait list who may be offered a seat if the
selected candidates does not join. - COURSE FEE & Emolument:
Course Fee ? 1125/- (Hostel Security Deposit ? 1000/- is refundable)
D.M. candidate selected for the post of Senior Resident will be paid
emoluments as applicable to the post level 11 of the Pay Matrix (Prerevised Pay Band-3 Rs.15600-39100+6600 Grade Pay) with entry pay
of Rs.67700/- per month plus usual allowances as admissible under
the rules or revised pay scale as per 7th CPC as applicable
(A) For filling up of online application, candidates must have the following prerequisites ready:-
Valid e-mail ID
Scanned recent Passport size photograph of candidate (in JPG format)
Scanned signature of the candidate (in JPG format)
Online payment detail of the required application fee
Aadhar Card
v.AIIMS Raipur
(B) Guidelines for scanning the photograph & Signature:
Before applying online a candidate will be required to have a scanned (digital) image
of his/her photograph and signature as per the specifications given below:
(i) Photograph:
o Photograph must be a recent passport size colour picture.
o The picture should be in colour, against a light-coloured, preferably white,
o Caps, hats and dark glasses are not acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed
but it must not cover your face,
o Dimensions 200 x 230 pixels (preferred)
o Size of file should be between 80 kb-100 kb
o Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 100 KB.
(ii) Signature:
- The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black ink pen.
- The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.
- The signature will be used to put on the Hall Ticket and wherever necessary.
- If the Applicant’s signature on the answer script, at the time of the examination,
does not match the signature on the Hall Ticket, the applicant will be disqualified. - Dimensions 140 x 60 pixels (preferred)
- Size of file should be between 50 kb – 80 kb
- Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 80 KB.
(C) While applying online, in the preview of the form, the candidate’s Photo and
Signature must be clearly visible to candidate, if photo/signature image is small
in size or not visible in preview on website, then it means that the
photo/signature is not as per the AIIMS prescribed format and your application
will be rejected. So, be careful while uploading your photo and signature.
(D) Applicants must fill all the fields carefully since after submission of online
application request for change in any information at any later stage will not be
(E) Candidate may access the online application portal by clicking on the link
mentioned in the website (www.aiimsraipur.edu.in) .
(F) First time user shall click on the new registration link and fill the details
correctly as mentioned.
(G) After completing the registration part candidate will receive the user ID and
password through SMS on the registered mobile number and through E-mail on
the registered email address. The same ID and Password shall be displayed on
the logged screen. Candidates are requested to note down the User ID and
password. Candidates are also advised to take a print of the Registered
Application Form for their records and future reference.
(H) After registration part, the candidate may continue with the form filling process
or may log out form the registration part.
(I) The candidates already registered shall click on existing user link and fill the
correct user ID and Password for continuing the form filling process. In case of
incorrect User ID/Password click on the ‘ forgot password’ link.
AIIMS Raipur(J) The candidates are requested to fill the correct details regarding
name/age/sex/caste/address/educational qualification and other relevant fields
mentioned in the application portal. Candidates are advised to upload the
relevant documents/photographs in the desired format only.
(K) Once the details are correctly filled the candidate may proceed for the fee
(L) Once a candidate clicks on SUBMIT button, a page containing some important
instructions for payment, a Payment Reference Number and a Link to make
payment of Application Fee will open. Candidates may please note that unless
they make the payment of Application Fee, their application will be treated as
INCOMPLETE. Candidates who want to pay at later stage can use this Payment
Reference Number for re-login and making the payment in order to complete
his/her Registration.
(M) Online payment of fee: Once a candidate clicks on button for making the
payment, they will be redirect to the Payment gateway site. There are various
options available for payment on SBI site viz. SBI Internet Banking, other major
bank’s Internet Banking; Debit/Credit Cards. Additional charges viz. bank
charges, service tax etc. incurred while making online payment of application
fees will be borne by the candidate. After making the successful Payment they
will immediately be redirected to (www.aiimsraipur.edu.in) for generation of
Registered Application Form. Candidates are advised to take a print of the
Registered Application Form for their records and future reference. Thus
the process for Registration of candidates who have to pay Application Fee gets
completed. The Registration number along with Date of Birth can also be used
for downloading the Admit Card 10 days prior to the date of examination which
shall also be notified in the designated website i.e. www,aiimsraipur.edu.in
(N) Once form is submitted there shall be no provision for making changes in the
application form.
(O) Payment of application fees by any other mode viz Cash, Cheque, Money Orders,
Postal Orders, Pay Orders, Banker’s Cheques, Postal Stamps, etc., will not be
accepted. Such applications will be summarily rejected. The decision of Director,
AIIMS Raipur in this regard shall be final and binding.
• General/OBC Category: Rs.1500/- + Transaction Charges as applicable.
• SC/ST/EWS Category: Rs.1200/- + Transaction Charges as applicable.
• PWBD Candidates is exempted from any Fee.
Application fee is required to be remitted online only. Any other instrument of
payment is not acceptable. Please make sure to correctly mention the Transaction
number, Date/Time and Bank of which remittance is made in your application form
for reconciliation. Also make sure to get the confirmation of the successful
remittance by your bank and retain the proof of the same which may be required at
the time of document verification. The application fee is non-refundable.AIIMS Raipur - REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION OF OVERSEAS CITIZEN OF INDIA (OCI)
Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) registered under Section 7A of Citizenship Act 1955
are also eligible to appear in DM courses and all terms and conditions for Indian
Nationals will be applicable to the candidates. The candidate will submit proof of
Registration as OCI under Section 7A of Citizenship Act 1955 to be eligible to appear
for this test.
After declaration of result of the Entrance Examination, candidates belong to
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes and EWS should
submit, along with other requisite documents, an attested copy of a certificate from
any one of the following authorities stating that the candidate belongs to
Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes or EWS in the
prescribed form.
A. District Magistrate, Additional District Magistrate, Collector, Deputy
Commissioner, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Deputy Collector, 1st Class
Stipendiary Magistrate, City Magistrate, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Taluka
Magistrate, Executive Magistrate, Extra Assistant Commissioner.
B. Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency
C. Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.
D. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and his or her family
normally resides.
E. Administrator/Secretary to Administrator/Development Officer (Lakshadweep
Island) or as authorised in the Constitution.
The candidate will be required to submit an undertaking to the effect of their caste.
The detection of any discrepancy in the caste certificate shall entail cancellation of
registration. This is as per the provisions made by Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions vide their order No. 36033/4/97-Estt. (RES) dated
25.07.2003 and No. 36011/3/2005-Estt. (RES) dated 9.9.2005 respectively.
Candidates must note that a certificate from any other person/authority will not
be accepted and no further correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
The name, designation and the seal of the officer should be legible in the
Applications being incomplete.
Any variation in the Signatures.
All the SIGNATURES in FULL (NOT IN SHORT) done on the Print out of the
Application Form and also on other Documents must be the same.
Scanned copy of photograph and signature uploaded are not as per
specification given and/or blur or distorted or not clear.
Non-payment of Examination Fees or non-receipt of fee through online mode,
if not otherwise exempted.
Fee not paid as per instructions.
AIIMS RaipurUnder aged/over aged candidates.
Failure to bring (in original) all relevant Certificates/Documents issued by the
competent authority, along with self-attested legible copies in support of the
information given in their Application Forms about their Educational
Qualifications; Experiences; Percentage of Marks obtained; Proof of Age; Proof
of Category [SC/ST/OBC] and the print out of Application Form at the time of
verification of document.
Not having the requisite Educational Qualification/Experience/Category
Status as on the closing date.
Incorrect information or misrepresentation or suppression of material facts.
For carrying mobile phones / accessories in the Examination premises/Hall.
Any other irregularity.
(A) Candidates are warned that they should not furnish any particulars that are false
or suppress any material information while filling in the application form.
Candidates are also warned that they should in no case attempt to alter or
otherwise tamper with any entry in a document or the attested certified copy
submitted by them nor should .they submit a tampered/fabricated document. If
there is any inaccuracy or any discrepancy, an explanation regarding this
discrepancy should be submitted.
(B) Without prejudice to criminal action/debarment up to 3 years from examinations
conducted by AIIMS, Raipur wherever necessary, candidature will be summarily
cancelled at any stage of the admission in respect of candidates found to have
indulged in any of the following activities
a) In possession of mobile phone and/or accessories and other electronic gadgets
within the premises of the examination centers, whether in use or in switched
off mode and on person or otherwise.
b) Involved in malpractices.
c) Using unfair means in the examination hall.
d) Obtaining support for his / her candidature by any means.
e) Impersonate/ procuring impersonation by any person.
f ) Submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered
g) Making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material
h) Resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/her
candidature for the examination.
i) Misbehaving in any other manner in the examination hall with the Supervisor,
Invigilator or representative of AIIMS, Raipur.
j) Intimidating or causing bodily harm to the staff employed by AIIMS, Raipur for
the conduct of examination. - OTHER IMPORTANT POINTS
i. Please fill the Application carefully. It may not be possible to make changes after
submission of application. Applicants may note that further correspondence will
NOT be entertained in this regard.
ii. Any Amendment/Rectification/Change/Editing is NOT allowed in Name,
Categoiy, Department and PWBD status once submitted. Any change in address,
mobile no. and email ID should be intimated to this office immediately.AIIMS Raipur
iii. The Competent Authority reserves the right of any amendment, cancellation and
changes to this advertisement as a whole or in part without assigning any reason
or giving notice.
iv. In case, any information given or declaration by the candidate is found to be
false or if the candidate has wilfully suppressed any material information
relevant to his/her admission, he/she will be liable to be removed from the
institute and any action taken as deemed fit by the competent authority.
v. The decision of the competent authority regarding selection of candidates will be
final and no representation will be entertained in this regard.
vi. Name of the selected candidates will be displayed in the institute website. No
separate individual intimation will be sent. Beside, all information regarding
examination will also be provided through the Institute website only. The
Institute will not be responsible in any manner if a candidate fails to visit /
access the website in time. Candidates are requested to regularly visit the
Institute website i.e. www.aiimsraipur.edu.in
regarding the admission process.
vii. The applicant will be responsible for the authenticity of submitted information,
their documents and photograph. Submission of any false, fake and/or
suppression /concealment of facts shall lead to rejection/ cancellation of
for updated information
viii. There is no provision for re-checking/re-evaluation of the answer sheets and no
query in this regard will be entertained.
ix. The decision of the Director of the Institute shall be final in the matter of
selection of candidates for admission to DM Course and no appeal will be
entertained in this regard.
x. Selected candidates must join the course on the date stipulated in the letter of
selection, failing which the selection/admission shall stand cancelled/
xi. The selected candidates will have to submit the original Permanent Registration
Certificate at the time of reporting.
xii. The selection of Senior Residents (DM) will be subject to medical fitness. No
selected candidate will be permitted to pay course fee/join the course unless
declared medically fit by the Medical Board appointed by the Institute. The
decision of the Medical Board shall be final.
xiii. Private practice in any form during the course is prohibited. The period of
training is strictly full time and continuous.
xiv. The rules are subject to change in accordance with the decision of the Institute
to be taken from time to time.
Candidates are not allowed to bring mobile phones, books, notes and loose
sheets, any other electronic gadgets and any other communication devices inside
the examination premises/hall and any infringement of these instructions will
entail debarment from future examinations of AIIMS Raipur without prejudice to
initiation of criminal proceedings against the candidates.
AIIMS Raipurxvi. In case of need of any assistance or clarifications regarding the admission
process please contact: academics@aiimsraipur.edu.in – please mention your
Application ID & Course applied in the Subject line of your e-mail or call on
xvii. If you need any technical support during filling the online form send e-mail at
helpdesk.aiimsraipur@gmail.com please mention your Application ID & Course
applied in the Subject line of your e-mail, or call on 06265730693.
xviii. For any updates please visit the Institute website i.e. www.aiimsraipur.edu.in
xix. All disputes will be subject to jurisdictions of Court of Law of Chhattisgarh.
iDean (Academics)
AIIMS RaipurAIIMS Raipur
Form of certificate as prescribedin M.H.A.,O.M.,No. 42/21/49-N.G.S. datedthe 2B.1.1952,as revised m Dept, of
Per-& A.R.letter No. 36012/ 6/76-Est. (5.CT),dated the 29.10.1977,to be produced by candidate belonging to a
Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribeinsupport of Ns/ber claim.
….of the State/Union Territory4
Caste/Tribe which is recognised as a Scheduled
This is to certify that 5hri/5mt.A<um.4,.. of
••«t *••»
Telegram Updates Discussion Group – https://t.me/orthonetflix
Secure the best fellowships in orthopaedics in INDIA through FET exam and foreign fellowships DHA and prepare for DNB MS theory and practical exams, pass easily.
Top the exam using the courses below
1. FET DHA Orthopaedics MIRCL course Total Package
Top the FET exam to get entry to best fellowships in India, using the MIRCL course – has solved recall mcqs, recent mcqs, hy videos, mocks and largest question bank.No need for anything else.
2.FET DHA Solved MCQ Question bank mock exam course
3.High Yield videos course
4.Orthopaedic Master Course – DNB MS theory and practicals Pass theory and Pracs first shot
5.DNB MS Orthopaedics Solved Question Papers Course Pass Theory easily
6.DNB MS Orthopaedics Practical Exam Course OSCE bank Clear practicals easily